Energy Enhancement System
About EESystem
The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. This process charges the cells to their optimal levels of between 70 and 90 millivolts.
This stunning technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.
The EESystem has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.
The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.
Click here to find out more about the science behind EESystem!
From a scientific perspective, scalar fields via the EESystem produce the following effects
Promote longevity and prevent aging through entraining the physiology to gain self-referral regenerative healing functions
Neutralize harmful effects of EMFs
Increase covalent level of hydrogen atoms that hold DNA together
Maximize nutrient uptake and cellular detoxification
Increase immune function
Increase amplitude of EEG frequencies (brainwave coherence, mental focus)
Balance the two hemispheres of the brain (super learning)
Catalyze heightened states of awareness and creativity
Relief from pain, improved immune function, and improved sense of well-being
Create cumulative beneficial effects
We do not treat symptoms, we allow the body to reduce the stress to its cells, DNA, and energy system which has successfully helped people suffering from
Seizure disorder
Sleep disorders
Auto-Immune Disease
Skin issues
Digestive disorders
Lyme Disease/ CFS/ EBV/Inflammation storms
Post COVID illnesses
Vaccine injuries
Sports Injury recovery
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
Thyroid/Prostate/Glandular disease
And much more…
What to Expect for Your Session
Please schedule your appointment by calling or using our online booking platform. All sessions must be fully prepaid prior to start of session
Drink plenty of water prior, during and after each session.
Bring a water bottle and be prepared to stay hydrated! We have a drinking fountain to refill water bottles.
Come wearing comfortable loose clothing
Bring socks and perhaps a small throw/blanket if you typically feel cold. We prefer a slightly cooler environment to facilitate deeper sleep.
We do not allow the use of any cell phones, electronics or personal lights in the room. If you need to use your phone we ask that you step out of the EES room. Phones in the room must be kept on silent or airplane mode as to not disturb other members. The only electronic exception is headphones to listen to music or meditations quietly.
Please be mindful of others in the healing zone. Silence is requested since there will be people trying to meditate / sleep.
No food allowed in the Bioscalar Healing Room. We have a kitchen area if you need to take a break and eat.
During your session you will receive the best results if you close your eyes and rest.
Finally, get ready for the deepest sleep/meditation of your life and start to allow your body to heal itself!
When the cells are charged during the EES session they will discharge everything they no longer need such as toxins, negative emotions, etc. making it important to facilitate detoxification to speed up results. No matter the length of time in the EES, your body will detox on some level so it is critical that you hydrate hydrate hydrate . We can not stress this enough! Lemon water helps move toxins out of your body.
You can assist your body in the healing process by eating plenty of healthy detoxing food. If you need support we offer health coaching. We use a platform called Shae ph360 that will create a personalized food list and provide lifestyle habits to support your unique body. Click here for more information about this program or to schedule an introductory appointment with a coach.
Halotherapy (Dry Salt Therapy) aids in detoxification. Visit our Salt Room or Salt Booth for a session to aid in the detoxifying process. Schedule here.
Far Infrared Saunas aid in detoxification as well. Sitting in one for up to 10 minutes can help immensely. Visit our Far Infrared Sauna for a relaxing detox. Schedule here.
In our shop you will also find some amazing detox teas available to take home and enjoy.
To help avoid experiencing negative detox results you should take a sea salt / baking soda bath the same day (the sooner the better). You can purchase the ingredients from us at our in store shop or buy them at any grocery/drug store. Add the following ingredients to a tub of hot water and soak for 20 minutes.
2 cups Sea Salt
2 cups Baking Soda
1 cup Borax
2 tablespoons EES Salt (optional)
I have been dealing with a severe TBI for while. After spending time in the eesystem center I began to notice a shift in my body. I have an increase in energy, I started sleeping better and a lift in my spirit. Other changes began – much better memory and improved cognitive and thinking abilities.
- T L
The EES room is amazing!! It felt very relaxing and healing. I have friends who have experienced pain relief and lessening of their physical symptoms for different health issues from time in the EES room. I tell everyone about it.
- Sasha A
After my first session in the eesystem room my body had the energy to immediately drop 8 lbs the first week, never to return. Following my second session I then began to experience a shift in my thyroid , so much so that my Doctor had to reduce my thyroid dose for the first time in 30 years.
- B A
Frequently Asked Questions
People stay in the EESystem room for anywhere from 2 to 10 hours. Depending on your personal situation and desired results, it is suggested you visit several times a week at first; then as often as you can. It is strongly recommended you do a detox bath (either full body or foot) within 24 hours of being in the EES.
Our EESystem room has 24 screens.
Basically, prepare for the greatest power nap of your life!
Sessions are simple, but we want all of your sessions to be the best they can be, so we have a few tips.
● Dress comfortable in layers or bring a blanket. While the room is always temperature-controlled, as the body enters the relaxation part of the nervous system, blood moves from the periphery into our internal organs. The result is feeling a little chilly as you relax.
● Be sure you’re not hungry, but don’t eat a giant meal before your session. The rest/repair part of our nervous system also controls digestion. To optimize your energy enhancement effects, it’s good to be comfortably full, but not expending energy on digestion.
● Drink lots of water before the session (preferably lemon water). This will help your body detoxify itself. Also, remember to drink lots of water after your session as well.
● Come with an open heart and mind, ready to unplug, relax, and support your body’s natural healing ability.
Sessions are booked for 2 hour minimums. The EES room is an open space with 15 gravity chairs provided for you to recline and relax. While there may be other individuals in the system with you, we encourage you to take the time to go inward and relax. Dim lights (outside of the machines) set the tone to fully surrender and let go. It is a quiet space, so please be as quiet as possible.
You will get quicker results with your eyes closed, as 80% of energy is used in processing what you are looking at. Don't worry about watching the time as someone will come in and get you at the end of your session.
No cell phones or electronics are allowed to be used within the EES room as to not disturb others. The only electronic exception is headphones to listen to music or meditations quietly. If you need to text or call, please step out of the room to do so.
EESystem sessions are booked for 2-hour minimums. 2-4 hour sessions are recommended to receive the optimal healing effects provided by the system. The first hour is when your blood will restructure, and the second hour is when the blood can now carry the scalar energy and photons to the areas of the body that want to heal.
The frequency of treatment depends on what you want to accomplish and how much scalar energy affects your body. Although this is difficult to quantify, the effects of the energy tend to be cumulative and relative to one’s lifestyle. The benefits tend to keep building with each session.
Night sessions, by far, are Dr. Sandra Rose Michael’s #1 recommendation in terms of how to get the most out of the EESystem sessions. Your body is designed to repair during the night hours and is accelerated when sleeping in the EESystem.
The effects of sitting in the scalar energy are cumulative. The more you sit in it, the more the body moves towards a healthy level. The deeper you relax, the more profound the results. The response has been growing as individuals make the time to come in and experience this technology.
Some have had up to three sessions of experiencing detoxification symptoms. This can include anything from a foggy brain, headache, aches in the weak parts of your body, or loose bowel movements. Eventually, your sessions become only relaxing and meditative.
Others come in and find it peaceful and extremely relaxing the first time they experience it.
People have commented that they are surprised how their brain shuts off and clears and how deeply relaxed they feel within minutes. Some individuals report feeling a subtle tingly sensation immediately upon entering the room. Afterward, many people report immediately feeling energized, improved sleep and simply feeling “good” and ready to conquer their week.
Traditional medicine has not been able to find cures for some of the Western World’s most serious diseases. Cancer, AIDS, Heart Disease, and Diabetes, to name a few, continue to baffle health care practitioners. With the discovery of new technologies such as the EESystem, there is hope for creating an environment where true, lasting, and vibrant health can flourish.
● Improved sleep
● Increased energy and physical stamina
● Increased calmness, peace, and harmony
● Balanced left and right hemispheres of the brain
● Improved performance, concentration, and focus
● Mental flexibility and clarity
● Improved mental health and elevated mood
● Reduced effects of past traumas
● Improved response to stress
● Rapid post-surgical healing
● Improved ability to live in “the now”
● Enhanced learning capabilities and neurological function
● Improved self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-love
● Relief from pain
● Improved immune function
● Improved sense of well-being
● Peak performance
● Detoxification
● Improved blood profiles
● Natural healing and rejuvenation
● Stimulates cellular regeneration and DNA repair
● Anti-aging effects
● Increased creative intelligence
● Deep meditative relaxation
● Major benefits for diabetes and neuropathy
● Oxygenates blood and improves circulation
The scalar waves nullify the electro pollution in our environment. This includes the electromagnetic waves from cell phones, televisions, computer screens, power lines, toxins, pollution, radiation, and microwaves.
A piece of scalar technology has been embedded into medallions that can be worn or carried when not using the EESystem. These medallions create a five-foot cocoon around the body, creating a buffer to your environment by nullifying the electro pollution. Also, when you are not in the rejuvenating fields of the EESystem, the EEMedallion offers easy and ongoing support.
People who have purchased these medallions have had numerous results. Individuals report elevated energy levels, better sleep, improvement with headaches, and reduction in chronic pain. Wearing the medallion surrounds your body with the scalar energy which charges your cells and puts you into a charged, healthy energy on a daily basis.
Come into our shop or click here to purchase a Hyper-Charged EE Medallion.
Click here to see all of our aftercare suggestions to obtain the greatest benefit from your session.
Results may vary. Information and statements herein are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Infinity Wave Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Infinity Wave Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.
Please Note: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials should be viewed as observations by individuals and not factual information.
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